On behalf of Stanford Canadian International School community, welcome. Here we share with you our Stanford experience and how we are shaping our future leaders.  From academics to athletics, arts to technology, our students are learning the skills that will assist them to be prepared for a life of purpose.

I invite you to explore the contents on the website and discover what makes SCIS distinctive.  Our mission is to inspire academic excellence in our students and create confident learners who will pursue their goals with passion, integrity, and respect for other within global community.  We believe in a well-rounded education that encourages personal growth and the development of a strong moral compass.  The foundation of the Pre School program is character development. The academic, service and co-curricular program at Stanford Canadian International School, as well as our culture and educators, all contribute to the goal of fostering good people and instilling core values.

I now invite you to learn more and get in touch with Stanford today. For prospective families, I welcome you to visit our campus.  Please take time to submit an online inquiry or make an application. If you are already part of our Stanford community, please be sure to take some time to go through our publication, such as Latest News, Our photo gallery in Activities & Trips, and our Facebook page.

I am proud to say that our students are fully engaged and are supported by an inclusive community of educators who have the professional development and materials required to ensure the very best educational experience.


Andy Da South

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